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Dealing with stress and pressure: Start Now

In a study involving 127 girls between the ages of 12 and 20, a research group from the Faculty of Medicine was able to show that a special training program called "Start Now" can help young people learn strategies for dealing with negative emotions and develop them independently.
The study was headed by Prof. Dr. Christina Stadler, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research Department at the University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) of the Faculty of Medicine.
Due to the positive experiences, Start Now is also offered as a prevention program in schools. The working group is currently conducting another clinical study on the effectiveness of an adapted Start Now program for adolescents and young adults with migration experience.
Click here for a detailed article on University News, and read more on the subject on the Start Now program website.
Read more:
Website of Christina Stadler's research group at the Department of Clinical Research