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Eva Scheurer elected Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

At the Faculty Assembly on 27 May 2024, Prof. Dr. Eva Scheurer was elected as the new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. She will take over from Prof. Dr. Primo Schär, who will have held the post for exactly six years, on August 1.
Eva Scheurer is Professor of Forensic Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Department of Health of the Canton of Basel-Stadt since 2014. She was previously head of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Clinical Forensic Imaging in Graz.
Primo Schär takes up the post of Vice President for Research at the University of Basel, succeeding Prof. Dr. Torsten Schwede, who will in turn take up the post of President of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
The photo shows Eva Scheurer with Primo Schär on the left and Roland Bingisser, Vice Dean for University Continuing Education, on the right.