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Mens Sana In Corpore Infirmo: MAS Spritual Care

Spiritual support, which is considered normal and often desired for the dying, can help people not only on their final journey, but also in other difficult situations. This is because existential questions also arise in the case of serious non-fatal illnesses, acute emergencies and traumatic experiences, which those affected are often unable to deal with alone. From September 2024, the completely renewed Master of Advanced Studies Spiritual Care will provide a wide range of professional groups with the academic knowledge and practical skills to recognize and alleviate these grades.
In the MAS Spiritual Care, graduates learn the skills to recognize and constructively support the spiritual or meaning-seeking needs of patients, people in need of help and people in crisis situations as well as their relatives in an expanded context. At the same time, the course units also repeatedly draw attention to the student's own basic attitude and spirituality as a resource in the often very challenging everyday working life.
The degree program understands spiritual care as an interprofessional team task and focuses on a variety of life situations in the sense of lifelong healing: from birth and early childhood to old age and the end of life - interdenominationally and with a critical view of action in the healthcare system.
You can find detailed information here.