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Primo Schär Bidden Farewell in Faculty Assembly

[Translate to English:] medF

Primo Schär is stepping down from his position as Dean to take up his new post as Vice President Research at the University of Basel on August 1, 2024. He was officially bid farewell at the Faculty Assembly on June 24.

In his one and a half terms as Dean, Primo Schär initiated a process of explicitly formulating common values and goals and deciding on concrete steps to implement them, thereby promoting cooperation between all the institutions and committees involved. In addition to this achievement, the meeting recognized that Schär himself exemplified the open and respectful attitude that makes productive and efficient exchange possible in the first place.

At the end of his term of office, a more detailed tribute to Schär's time in office will be published here, together with an introduction to his successor Prof. Eva Scheurer, see the press release of May 28.