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Welcoming of the New Professors

25 new professors were welcomed to the Faculty of Medicine by Dean Primo Schär on August 21. The event once again took place at Wildt'schen Haus on St. Peter's Square, the appropriate setting for an aperitif riche at 37 degrees in the shade.

The new appointees have taken up clinical and university, assistant and titular professorships in the past year. With their expertise and research projects, they cover a broad spectrum from anesthesiology to cell research, from 3D printing to urban public health. They are: Prof. Mascha Binder, Prof. Christine Bernsmeier, Prof. Martin Bolli, Prof. Magdalena Filipowicz Sinnreich, Prof. Raoul Furlano, Prof. Géraldine Guex, Prof. Hostettler Haack, Prof. Carolyn King, Prof. Niklaus Labhardt, Prof. Matthias Liechti, Prof. Béatrice Mosimann, Prof. Andreas A. Müller, Prof. Beat Müller, Prof. Simone Münst, Prof. Andrej Nowakowski, Prof. Michael Osthoff, Prof. Nicole Ritz, Prof. Sacha Rothschild, Prof. Savas Soysal, Prof. Florian Thieringer, Prof. Mirko Winkler, Prof. Friedrich Wurst, Prof. Mattia Zampieri, Prof. Mathias Zürcher and Prof. Franziska Zúñiga. Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine!