Events and news from the Faculty of Medicine



/ Events

108 new Drs. med. and med. dent.

On May 31, 108 new medical and dental medicine doctors were sworn in at the Elisabethenkirche. The keynote speaker was Thomi Jourdan, Head of the Basel-Landschaft Department of Economic Affairs and Health.

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Birthday: The Faculty of Medicine turns 564!

On April 4, 1460, the Faculty of Medicine was founded as part of the University of Basel. In the same year, the Inca military leader Cápac Yupanqui subdued the Huanca people in Junín (Peru), Portuguese sailors discovered the Cape Verdean…

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This was the event "Sustainability in the healthcare sector"

The Swiss healthcare sector is responsible for almost 7% of national greenhouse gas emissions and consumes a considerable amount of resources. To discuss how these environmental impacts can be reduced, an event on the topic of…

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Inaugural lecture at the end of the semester by Prof. Petya Apostolova

At the end of the semester, Prof. Petya Apostolova will give her inaugural lecture on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 11.15 am. It is entitled 'Immunotherapies to fight cancer: the best are yet to come'. The lecture will be in English.

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The University Center for Dental Medicine Basel turns 100!

The Volkszahnklinik for adults was founded in Basel in 1924. Because it was later merged with the school dental clinic and the dental department of the University Hospital into the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel (UZB), the UZB…

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Women in the sciences: Prof. Petya Apostolova

On March 14, Prof. Petya Apostolova will give a lecture on women in the sciences at the Biozentrum. She will be speaking as part of the lecture series "Athena's Journey. Empowering Women in Science", which is organized by the Department of…

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Green Health Revolution: visions for a more sustainable hospital routine

The healthcare sector causes more CO2 emissions than air travel, for example. At the event 'Green Health Revolution: Visions for a more sustainable everyday hospital life', students of human medicine will discuss possible sustainable and…

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Information event on starting a career in the clinic

On February 27, the Faculty of Medicine and the Career Service Center of the University of Basel are offering an information event on starting a career in the clinic. Students of human medicine in the first and second year of their Master's…

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Master's information evening on March 14, 2024

On March 14 from 17:00 to 20:00, the University of Basel is organizing a Master's information evening. Just come to the Kollegienhaus at Petersplatz 1 and find out which program suits you best.

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Research Day of the University Center for Dentistry Basel

The 5th UZB Research Day on April 19, 2024 is dedicated to the anniversary year "100 years of dentistry in Basel". Postdocs, Master's students and researchers from the UZB will present their projects, the University of Basel and an industry…



/ News

Prof. Dr. Stephan Urban now also Dr. honoris causa

At the Dies Academicus of the University of Basel, Heidelberg molecular biologist Prof. Dr. Stephan Urban was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine. His pioneering discoveries in the field of molecular virology of…

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Adam von Bodenstein reinstated to the register of the Faculty of Medicine

On January 27, 1564, the publisher of Paracelsian writings Adam von Bodenstein was expelled from the faculty due to his medical views. To draw attention to this injustice, the Faculty of Medicine symbolically reinstates von Bodenstein to…

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Why some people drink too much (water)

Anyone who drinks more than three liters per day probably suffers from the so-called "polydipsia-polyuria syndrome". This can be treated well, but unfortunately there are two fundamentally different causes - which must be tackled…

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New Heads of the Department of Public Health

Since September 1, the Department of Public Health is led by Prof. Michael Simon and Prof. Mirko Winkler. The Faculty Assembly thanks the now replaced head Prof. Sabina de Geest for her many years of dedicated service at the DPH, in the…

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Change in the management of the Department of Clinical Research

After almost ten years in office, Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain, MD, Deputy Chief of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at the University Hospital Basel (USB), is stepping down from her position as Head of Department at DKF to devote…

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Career opportunities: Professorship Dementia Diseases

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel and the University Geriatric Medicine Felix Platter are seeking a Professor of Dementia (open-rank) in conjunction with the position as Chief Physician of the Memory Clinic for 01.07.2024…

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Career opportunities: Professorship for Geriatrics

For 01.07.2025 or by agreement, the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel and the University Geriatric Medicine Felix Platter are seeking a Professor of Geriatrics in conjunction with the position of Chief Physician Acute Geriatrics.

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Brain Signals of Good Memory Performance Revealed

People differ in their memory performance. Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine have now discovered that certain brain signals are related to these differences.

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Master’s Thesis Awards 2023

This year, the prizes of the Medical Faculty for the best Master's theses go to Simon Gallmann, Fabienne Bruggisser and Claudia Hauser.

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Welcoming of the New Professors

25 new professors were welcomed to the Faculty of Medicine by Dean Primo Schär on August 21. The event once again took place at Wildt'schen Haus on St. Peter's Square, the appropriate setting for an aperitif riche at 37 degrees in the…