/ Events
116 new Doctrices and Doctores medicinae and medicinae dentalis

For the second time this year, the Faculty of Medicine awarded doctorates for over 100 new medical and dental medicine candidates in the Elisabethenkirche in Basel. The keynote speaker was Dr. Severin Schwan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roche Holding AG, the doctorate was conferred for the first time by Prof. Eva Scheurer, the new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
The recipients were awarded the title of Dr. med. or Dr. med. dent. for having carried out an independent research project for at least one year and written a doctoral dissertation on it. Thus, the doctorates obtained are not only familiar with the state of the art in medicine, but also with the efforts and challenges of producing new knowledge and skills.
Severin Schwan gave his speech sitting down, as he had undergone knee surgery just two days earlier. He strongly encouraged the new Doctors and Doctrices to define their upcoming tasks themselves and to take on new challenges with a pending mind. Eva Scheurer advocated continuing to play an active role in shaping research, but also encouraged the candidates to first enjoy the ceremony to the full.
Musical breaks were provided by SULP, that is, the band Swiss Urban Ländler Passion, with their special and coherent combination of endemic Swiss (Schwyzerörgeli, Alphorn) and international instruments (brass, stand-up bass) and a comparably combinable repertoire
The photos of the ceremony, especially those of the presentation of the degree certificates, are still being edited as of November 18, 2024. When they are ready, a link will be sent to the doctorates by email. Doctorates who no longer have a unibas e-mail address are requested to contact the Communications Officer.