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New Building for Department of Biomedicine: All Systems are Go

With a new research building for the Department of Biomedicine, the University of Basel is setting the next building block on the Schällemätteli campus. The building permit has been issued, the contract with the general contractor has been signed and the credit guarantee has been granted. Nothing now stands in the way of the start of construction in the fall of 2023.
At the Department of Biomedicine, scientists from basic medical research and from the university hospitals work hand in hand to understand the development of diseases, improve their diagnosis and develop new therapeutic approaches. For this research, a new laboratory building will be constructed on the life science campus of the University of Basel by 2031.
The construction project is being implemented by the Swiss construction company Implenia, which was awarded the contract as general contractor following a public invitation to tender in September 2022. The contract for work and services has been signed.
The costs for the new building were estimated at 212 million Swiss francs in 2013 on the basis of a rough estimate. A realistic calculation and the binding offer from Implenia have shown that the cost estimate at the time was significantly too low. At the end of April 2023, the parliaments of the two sponsoring cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft therefore approved an equal increase in the credit guarantee to 365 million Swiss francs. After the building permit was issued in February, all lights are now green for the construction project.
Information event for residents
Current plans call for construction work to begin in September 2023. An information event for residents will be held at the end of June to present the project and provide information about the upcoming work.
Those who would like to get a more detailed picture of the new building already today can do so in the foyer of the Kollegienhaus on Petersplatz: A model of the new building project is currently on display there.
Further information
- Reto Caluori, University of Basel, Communications, Tel. +41 61 207 24 95, e-mail: reto.caluori@clutterunibas.ch
- The original announcement on the website of the University of Basel
- More about the new building on the website of the Department of Biomedicine
- Image: Visualization of the new building for the Department of Biomedicine, view from Metzerstrasse. (Rendering: Burckhardt+Partner)