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Master’s Thesis Awards 2023

This year, the prizes of the Medical Faculty for the best Master's theses go to Simon Gallmann, Fabienne Bruggisser and Claudia Hauser.

Simon Gallmann, pictured in the center, was awarded first prize. His work is entitled "Effect of high-intensity interval training on VO2peak, cardiac output and arteriovenous oxygen difference in patients with HFpEF " and was done at the DSBG under the supervision of Raphael Schoch and Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss.

Fabienne Bruggisser, pictured second from right, won second prize for her work "Effect of the time of day of strength and endurance training on changes in performance-related and health-related outcomes ". The work was also done at the DSBG and was supervised by Ralf Roth and Jingyi Qian.

Claudia Hauser, pictured second from left, was awarded third prize. Her work is called "Identifying work-related factors associated with work-family conflict of care workers in nursing homes: A cross-sectional study ", was written in the nursing science program and supervised by Franziska Zúñiga and Michael Simon.

Furthermore, Alexandra Migga (not in the picture) was awarded the prize of the AlumniMedizin Basel association. Migga's thesis is titled "Human tooth cementum, paraffin-embedded nerve and zebrafish embryo: Comparative three-dimensional imaging study with micrometer resolution" and was supervised by Bert Müller and Georg Schulz from the Department of Biomedical Engineering.


The award winners of the last years can be found here.