Events and news from the Faculty of Medicine



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Clinical Research Day 2024

The Department of Clinical Research invites you to its Clinical Research Day on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 11.15 am to 5.15 pm in the small lecture hall at the Center for Teaching and Research (ZLF) at Hebelstrasse 20, 4031 Basel.

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To the Anatomy Museum on Museum Night!

On Friday, January 19, 2024, 41 museums in Basel will open their doors for Museum Night. In addition to the Botanical Garden, the University Library and the Pharmacy Museum, the Anatomical Museum of the Faculty of Medicine will also be…

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This was the graduation ceremony on 17.11.2023

On November 17, 116 new Doctores med. and med. dent. were ceremoniously sworn in at the Elisabethenkirche. After a speech by Dr. Lukas Engelberger, Head of the Health Department of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, Prof. Dr. Primo Schär, Dean of…

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Bachelor Info Day on November 17

Two information markets are open from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, one in the Kollegienhaus and one in the Biozentrum (find the link to a map below). At the information stands, you can obtain specific information about the degree course you are…

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Mobility and stability at the end of the semester

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, professor of Neuroorthopaedics Heide Elke Viehweger will give her inaugural lecture, which is also the end-of-semester lecture. It is entitled "Mobilität und Stabilität, oder die Reise zur Vernunft".

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Food Met Medicine on September 25!

At the FoodTalk on September 25, 2023 at Unternehmen Mitte, three invited experts spoke to around 110 people about the topics of medicine, agriculture and sustainability. The event was organized by the Medical Faculty of the University of…

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Fall Semester has begun

This week, the fall semester has begun at the university and thus also at the Faculty of Medicine. More than 500 first-year students are being welcomed at all five study programs of the Faculty of Medicine and provided with plenty of…

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Foodtalk 25 September: Food Meets Medicine

On Monday, Sep. 25, 2023, at 18:30 in the center of the company, the topic will be nutrition that is good for us and the planet. Three guests will speak about "Sustainable agriculture and planetary health", "How do I eat healthy? - The…

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This was the Graduation Ceremony on June 2

On Friday, June 2, 104 new medical and dental doctors took their vows in the Open Elisabethenkirche. Prof. em. Marcel Tanner held the ceremonial address, after which the certificates were presented by Prof. Dean Primo Schär.

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Screening for Preeclampsia - Obstetrics Through the Ages

Inaugural lecture as end-of-semester lecture by Prof. Dr. Beatrice Mosimann on May 25 at the Center for Teaching and Research (ZFL).



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Career opportunities: professorships in cardiac surgery

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel and the University Heart Center of the University Hospital Basel are looking for a Professor of Cardiac Surgery in conjunction with the function of Chief Physician of the Clinic for Cardiac…

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Career opportunities: Professorship of Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Basel and the University Children's Hospital Basel are looking for a Professor of Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology to start on May 1, 2025 or as agreed.

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Valérie Hilgers new Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Prof. Dr. Valérie Hilgers is to become Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the Faculty of Medicine. She will take up her position at the Department of Biomedicine on August 1, 2025.

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Andreas J. Keller new Professor of Physiology

Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Keller is to become the new Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine. He will take up his position at the Department of Biomedicine on August 1, 2024.

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Physical Exercise Prevents Nerve Damage during Chemotherapy

Cancer therapies often cause nerve damage, which leads to permanent symptoms in some of those affected. Medication is ineffective against this. A sports scientist from the Faculty of Medicine and an interdisciplinary team from Germany have…
[Translate to English:] medF

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Primo Schär Bidden Farewell in Faculty Assembly

Primo Schär is stepping down from his position as Dean to take up his new post as Vice President Research at the University of Basel on August 1, 2024. He was officially bid farewell at the Faculty Assembly on June 24.

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Technology and Fitness: Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss in the Unisonar Podcast

Are measuring devices and tracking apps actually improving our health? Find out in the Unisonar podcast from the appointed mouth of Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss, Head of the Division of Rehabilitative and Regenerative Sports Medicine at the…

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Eva Scheurer elected Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

At the Faculty Assembly on 27 May 2024, Prof. Dr. Eva Scheurer was elected as the new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. She will take over from Prof. Dr. Primo Schär, who will have held the post for exactly six years, on August 1.

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Judith Zaugg Professor of Molecular Medicine

The University Council has appointed Prof. Dr. Judith Zaugg as Professor of Molecular Medicine at the Department of Biomedicine (DBM) of the Faculty of Medicine. Zaugg researches how cells integrate genetic and epigenetic information with…

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Nina Khanna Gremmelmaier Clinical Professor of Infectiology

The University Council has appointed Prof. Dr. Nina Khanna as Professor of Clinical Infectiology with a research focus on bacterial infections. Nina Khanna is titular professor, head of the Clinic for Infectiology and Hospital Hygiene at…